
We make every effort to provide a website in which all functionality and content is accessible to all individuals, and we are updating and monitoring our site regularly to make it as accessible as possible. We are dedicated to providing access to all individuals, with or without disabilities looking for information on our website, and we try hard to make Inn on Fifth website universally accessible. Below, you will find some suggestions to assist you in making your browsing experience more accessible.

If you have difficulty seeing website pages, suggests these tips for optimizing your computer and browser to enhance your online experience.

Website Readers
If you are visually impaired website reading software like ChromeVox or can help read the website content to you. Website reading software like ChromeVox, which is an add-on extension to the Chrome website browser, can help. There are also other website readers that work with a computers operating system (OS) that provide more universal coverage outside of website browsing.

Closed Captioning
Closed captioning offers a transcript for the audio track of a video presentation that is matched with the video and audio tracks. Captions are commonly visually presented over the video, which benefits individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing and anyone who cannot hear the audio because of loud environments. Learn how to turn captioning on and off in YouTube.

Volume Controls
Most computers, tablets, or mobile device have volume control features, and each video and audio service has its own additional volume controls. Try adjusting both your device’s volume controls and your media players’ volume controls to optimize your listening experience.

If the recommendations above do not meet your needs, or if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, we invite you to give us a call so that we can address the matter.

Hotel Accessibility
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Compliance Overview

Inn on Fifth offers the following features:

  • Upon arrival at the Hotel: There is valet service available for parking at the entrance to the hotel. There is also self parking available in a covered garage with two (2) handicap parking spaces located near to the rear entrance to the building.
  • Both parking spaces are van accessible.
  • The Parking lot is well-paved, and all hotel entrances consist of double doors that open easily.
  • Check-in is conveniently provided at the concierge desk and is located in the main lobby.  The Front desk is staffed 24 hours per day and there is always an agent available to assist guests with inquiries.
  • The elevators are wheelchair-accessible for access to guest rooms, suites and meeting facilities.
  • At our Club Level Suites there is a fully accessible elevator to the rooftop deck with large doors allowing for wheelchairs.
  • All recreational areas are accessible through double doors which open easily.
  • All accessible guest rooms and suites are equipped with 36″ wide doors at the entry and have grab bars in the bathrooms and the alarm system is modified for the audibly impaired.   Some rooms have a roll in shower that can accommodate a wheelchair.
  • Shopping, Dining and entertainment are located on the ground level all along Fifth Avenue and all businesses are ADA compliant with ramps where necessary.
  • The Fitness Center offers a wide array of equipment that is generously spaced to allow for accessibility and there is good clearance around the weight machines.
  • The Spa’s treatment beds are adjustable and can be lowered for easy access.  The bathrooms and showers have level floors and are fully accessible.

For further information, please contact us at Inn on Fifth, 699 Fifth Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102

Phone: 239-403-8777

699 Fifth Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102
Reservations 888.403.8778
Front Desk 239.403.8777

Group Sales

Spa on Fifth

Awards & Press

T+L Top 500 Hotels
Travel + Leisure – 2024

World's Best Awards
Top 15 Resorts in FL, No 14.

Travel + Leisure – 2023

AAA Four-Diamond
Forbes Travel Guide Four-Star

Forbes Travel Guide – 2023 (Ten consecutive years)

2023 Readers' Choice Award
ConventionSouth magazine
